Laura Michelle Owens & Clayton Echard

From The Laura Owens Court Cases
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Clayton Echard, star of season 26 of The Bachelor, had a one-night fling (allegedly just oral sex) with Laura Owens on May 20, 2023. 11 days later, after he refuses to pursue a relationship with her, she claims she is pregnant. Laura drafted a dating contract to give to Clayton stating she would abort the baby if he agreed to date her, but he still refused. On August 1st, she took him to court to establish a "parenting plan" for the babies (now twins), and sent upwards of 500 emails and texts to him from more than a dozen different accounts. She went public with the case in September when he still refused to date her. She claims under oath on November 2nd that she is 24 weeks and just saw her OB a few days prior. Laura and Clayton are both granted orders of protection against one another. As of December 28th, she claims she is "no longer pregnant", with zero explanation of what happened to the twins.

Timeline of events


April 3: Clayton Echard announces on Instagram that he has become a real estate agent, serving the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas. [1]

May 9: Laura Owens creates an LLC for the purpose of Real Estate and Rental and Leasing. [2]

May ?: Owens reaches out to Clayton Echard on LinkedIn for real estate assistance[citation needed].

May 20: The two meet in person for the first time. The two have an “intimate encounter,” which Echard describes as “only oral sex.” The following day, Echard tells Owens that the hook up was a "mistake." [3]

May 25: Echard asks Owens to leave him alone, informing her that he is considering contacting the police.

June 1: 11 days after their “intimate encounter,” Owens alleges she had her first positive pregnancy test. [4] Around this same time, Owens tells Echard that she would let him have control of the outcome of the pregnancy if he committed to being in a relationship and loving and caring for her. [5]

June 17: Owens claims that Echard “purchased a pregnancy test and asked her to urinate in front of him to confirm the pregnancy.” [6]

June 27: Owens' "Iceland story" is published in Chicken Soup for the Soul. [7]

July 2: Owens emails Echard’s parents inviting them to her ultrasound. [8]

August 1: Owens files in family court against Echard. [9]

August 3: Owens emails Arizona Suicide Prevention Hope Conference to get Echard removed as a guest speaker. [10]

September 15: Arizona Real Estate Department sends Echard a notice that he violated realtor conduct. This was after Owens filed a complaint against him. [11]

September 18: Owens goes to the Sun and Medium with an anonymous article. [12] [13] [14]

September 22: Owens posts “proof” on Reddit, including links to her public Dropbox with photos of her pregnant belly and texts/emails from Echard.

September 27: Echard takes his side of paternity test. Owens is photographed competing in an Equestrian jumping competition — allegedly 20 weeks pregnant with twins. No baby bump seen. [15] [16]

October 6: DNA test results come back. Echard announces “little to no fetal DNA” on his Instagram story. [17] Owens claims the results were “ongoing” and recorded a call with the lab to support that. [18]

It is important to note that all of Owens’ DNA tests returned the same result of “little to no fetal DNA.

According to Echard, Owens then sends him an ultrasound that he believes was doctored. He also claims she later refused to call the OBGYN’s office to verify the ultrasound’s authenticity during their early resolution conference. [19]

Owens files OOP against Echard.

October 13: Neal breaks story that on October 11th, Owens had circulated her alleged sonogram video to the media, which was later proved to be an edited 6 year old sonogram from an unrelated Youtuber. Owens later claims Greg Gillespie hacked into her account and released the fake sonogram. [20]

October 19: Owens sends Neal a cease and desist letter for his coverage. [21]

October 26: Owens files for a temporary restraining order against Neal. The judge denies the request on first amendment concerns. [22]

November 2: Echard wins his injunction against harassment hearing. Owens states in cross-examination that she was 24 weeks pregnant and had just seen her OB "last Friday". Owens is seen drinking an energy drink during the hearing. Echard claims that Owens got him fired from speaking gigs and reported him to the Real Estate commission. Judge sides with Echard due to the 500+ messages he received from her after he asked her to stop contacting him and blocked her. [23]

November 3: Neal is served lawsuit from Owens alleging harassment and revenge porn. The photo she cites as revenge porn, was shared by Owens in her public Dropbox “evidence” folder, which she sent to various media outlets, as well as in Bachelor related subreddits. [24]

November 6: Video surfaces of Owens’ alleged baby belly moving wildly during court hearing against Echard, 27 days after she was photographed without a bump at horse jumping competition. [25]

November 9: Judge throws out Owens’ suit for emotional damage against Greg Gillespie. [26] News leaks that Laura Owens is trying to change her name to Emily Wilson.[27]

November 10: Owens filed a police report on Gillespie for violating his OOP by allegedly posting her private information to Reddit under various alt accounts. Detectives found no evidence of her claims and closed the police investigation. (#23–20074) [28]

November 14: Owens sends mass email to podcasters threatening to sue them for defamation if they cover the case without platforming her. [29]

November 15: Reality Steve offers Owens a platform to share her story. She does not accept his offer and instead threatens to sue him.

November 18: Owens pulls out of The Las Vegas National (horse jumping competition) after it leaks on Reddit that she was signed up to compete while allegedly six months pregnant with twins. [30]

It has been rumored that she then attempted to compete under an alias — but that rumor has not been corroborated.

December 4: Owens and Echard’s paternity case gets moved to the inactive calendar because of a lack of movement in the case. [31]

December 5: Law Talk with Mike covers the case and offers Owens a platform to prove her pregnancy. She does not accept, instead threatens to sue him. [32]

December 6: Neal breaks the news that a third DNA test came back with the same result of “little to no fetal DNA.[33] Around this time, Owens submits criminal complaint against Neal with Los Angeles District Attorney. [34]

December 8: Owens publishes blog post to Medium titled "Unveiling the Unbearable: My Battle Against Cyberbullying and Online Harassment | by Laura Owens" [35]

December 12: Echard files a motion in family court to extend the dismissal date, to definitively, on record, settle if he is or is not the father of Laura Owens' alleged twins.[36]

December 20: Owens posts a public video on her Facebook page which opens with "My name is Laura Owens..." and proceeds to speak for over 6 minutes about being "cyberbullied". The video is shot from her neck up. The sounds she makes are of a crying nature, but no tears are actually seen for the entirety of the video. She specifically calls out Neal, Reality Steve, and "Reddit sleuths" for alleged cyberbullying. Owens also shared Patreon paid subscriber private stream footage of Neal saying things about her over the past few months without any context. Once again, let it be known that Neal has never once said her name (he refers to her as Jane Doe) or shown any photos of her. After about a half-hour, the video disappears from her public Facebook page and she claims that it was only intended for her close friends and family (her beginning the video with "My name is Laura Owens..." seems to dispute this claim).

December 21: The Medium article by Regina Phalange was taken down by Medium[37]. Interesting that Medium continues to leave up her defamatory post about Echard and Dave, then takes down Regina's cogent rebuttal of Owens' post.

December 23: Chase J. Jones (widely believed to Owens - see below for details) submits to have his Google and Patreon subpoenas quashed, claiming that he has nothing to do with the case. [38] Dave's lawyer has reached out to "Chase J. Jones" several times, asking for a quick FaceTime to verify he is real and put this matter to bed, but has been met with silence on the other end.

December 25: Laura Owens sends a cease and desist letter to TikTok/YouTube personality, Liz Neptune, regarding the use of a video Owens had posted to Facebook that had been used in a TikTok video by a different creator (not Liz Neptune). That creator is not affiliated with Liz in any way, yet Owens claims that she has proof that they are, but has not provided that proof. Owens and Neptune engage in a brief email correspondence, ending with Neptune telling Owens to never contact her again. Owens reported the correspondence as harassment to Liz's local Sherriff's department. [39]

December 28: Owens retains a new attorney in the family court case against Echard, files to dismiss petition to establish paternity. Owens claims that she's "not now pregnant" and wants the case dropped. She is also saying in her motion that because a portion of Echard's legal fees were crowdsourced that he isn't entitled to any awarding of legal fees. [40]


January 2: A new article[41] about the case is published in The Sun. Owens responds to the article, stating: "that she 'firmly stands by everything' she had previously claimed and that she had a positive pregnancy test at one point, which was also documented in court docs, that 'confirmed' her pregnancy and 'was corroborated by a test at a medical facility.'"

Owens files to quash her deposition from Echard and his attorneys. Owens' new attorney, Lexi Lindvall, withdraws as counsel just one week after she takes on the case. Shortly thereafter, Cory Keith becomes Laura's new attorney. Evidentiary Hearing is set by the court for February 27th. [42]

January 17: Laura fails to show up for her deposition. [43]

February 2: Clayton shows up for his deposition. Laura attends it as well. [44]

February 6: Clayton's lawyer files expedited motion to continue trial and motion for additional trial time.[44]

February 7: Laura Owens receives harassing facebook posts from what appears to be a troll account. She calls the police about these facebook post.. Audio of this public call can be found here. The Police log can also be access here:

February 11: The account Justice for Clayton has been banned from twitter (X).

February 12: Clayton's lawyer files expedited motion to set virtual status conference. [36]

February 14: On Laura's alleged due date, she posts a blog post about miscarriage that is so cruel, insensitive, heartless, immature, and irresponsible that we will not link it here.

February 15: Status conference is set for February 21st.[36] The account Justice for Clayton has been reinstated on twitter (X).

February 16: Judge denied Laura's motion to quash her deposition. [36] The next few days, the Justice for Clayton sub on Reddit was banned and reinstated twice.

February 21: Status Conference is held. Laura Owens and Clayton Echard were present. Judge denied: Motion to Seal and Dismiss. Judge approved: Extend time of hearing and Owens needs to be deposed. Judge set Deposition to be on March 1st. June 10th is new hearing date. Laura Owens claims in this hearing that she thought she was pregnant in November, but found out later that she had a miscarriage "1 to 2 months prior". Her statement from the November 2nd hearing contradicts that claim. Steve Carbone (Reality Steve) also claims that in correspondence with her, she claims she was still pregnant in December. [45]

February 22: It was discovered that Laura M. Owens' December 8th post on Medium had been edited from what she posted initially. On her original December 7th post, she initially included "However, I won't be sharing updates regarding the status of my pregnancy with Clayton. I kindly ask not to receive congratulations or engage in discussions about Clayton and my pregnancy. This post is not intended for that purpose." She has since removed that portion of her post. The original post and the edited post are both linked here and here.

Link to all court documents


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