Laura Michelle Owens - Court Case History

From The Laura Owens Court Cases
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This timeline is now being hosted on this site after the original reddit post got taken down, as did the subsequent reposting of the content to Medium. This page cites public court records and, except for the clearly delimited speculation at the bottom, only includes verifiable facts. We will happily update this page to include any substantive evidence proving a pregnancy and Clayton's paternity, but a screenshot of a doctor's appointment doesn't meet any reasonable standard. The operator of this site claims no authorship over the content below and is simply rehosting it for public accountability.

As of 12/20/2023, the domain registrar has already received one cease and desist for this site. The content below is a collected summary of cited links to independently verifiable sources and we will revise its content in response to credible evidence as more is made available. The intent is not to harass or defame anyone, but rather to preserve important public information that has been repeatedly removed from other sites under abusive takedown notices.

Updates since the timeline below was written:

  • 12/21/2023: The Medium article by Regina Phalange was taken down by Medium. The archive lives on here. Interesting that Medium continues to leave up her defamatory post about Clayton and Dave, then takes down Regina's cogent rebuttal of Laura's post.

Original timeline:

· Laura has restraining orders (also called OOPs) against Michael M., Greg G., and Clayton E., and has attempted (but failed) to get one against YouTuber Dave Neal.

· Greg G. and Clayton E. have OOPs against her.

· She sued Greg G. for abortion coercion and emotional distress (award sought was $40,000). These lawsuits were dismissed by a judge.

· She has threatened defamation lawsuits against Dave Neal, Reality Steve, LawTalk with Mike and podcasters in general who cover the story without platforming her.

· She has an ongoing lawsuit against Dave Neal for harassment due to his public coverage of these court cases on his YouTube Channel.

· She has an inactive paternity suit against Clayton E. The case was moved to the inactive calendar after multiple DNA tests failed to prove paternity or pregnancy.


April 2016 — Laura begins relationship with Michael Marraccini (MM).

According to Michael via court records, he tried to escape the relationship prior to an upcoming Iceland trip and was coerced by Laura’s parents because Laura was threatening suicide. Ronn Owens (her father) begged Michael to stay in contact with her because her life was at risk and that he would help him get out of this relationship afterwards once she was safe. (Source below)

December 30, 2016 — Laura and MM’s Iceland trip which she later describes in her TedX Talk during which she claims to have been physically assaulted and verbally abused by MM. Source A woman named “Karen” submitted a statement in support of her claiming she witnessed MM verbally abusing Laura on the plane ride to Iceland. Source

March 2017 — MM ends relationship with Laura. She claims he impregnated her, but later in court documents it was revealed she admitted she lied about that, apologized about the suicide threats, and there was never any evidence of a physical issue between them. Once MM finally ended things, she started stalking him, and he contacted the police. That is when she accused him of physically assaulting and raping her, and it is presumed that those are the reasons she has an order of protection against him. She claims to have aborted the alleged pregnancy. (Sources needed)

January 9, 2018 — Laura files a domestic violence suit against Michael Marraccini in San Francisco County, CA. Source

Late June-Early July 2021 — Laura and Greg Gillespie go on three dates, after which he tells her he doesn’t want to continue dating.

After one of the aforementioned dates, Laura and Greg have intercourse. 11 days after they have sex, she tells him she’s pregnant. Around this time, she told Greg that she would let him have control of the outcome of the pregnancy if he committed to being in a relationship with her. Greg alleges she stalked, threatened and harassed him during this time, including emailing his HR department. Source: OOP excerpt included below.

August 8, 2021 — Laura sends photo of an ultrasound to Greg depicting her alleged pregnancy with his twins. Greg reverse image searches the photo and finds it online.

August 11, 2021 — Laura files lawsuit against Greg for abortion coercion. According to court documents, Laura sent him a sonogram she purported to be hers, which Greg found online in someone else’s blog using reverse Google image search. It is his belief that she was never pregnant.

During this time, Laura also filed a bar complaint against her attorney after her attorney withdrew from the case.

August 12, 2021 — Greg Gillespie files for Order of Protection (OOP) against Laura. He claims she tried to get him fired for breaking up with her.

January 6, 2022 — TedX Talk about Laura’s relationship with MM and domestic violence comes out. The Lifesaving Power of Kindness to Strangers | Laura Owens | TEDxMercerIslandHSWomen — YouTube

Comment from Laura regarding the TEDx talk

March 4, 2022 — Laura alleges she was drugged and sexually assaulted. (See exhibit 4 below)

August 1, 2022 — In an email to the judge, Laura accuses Greg Gillespie and his attorney of being involved in the March 4th assault. Laura claims the FBI investigated the incident but it is unknown if that is true or if the investigation resulted in anything. It is unknown if this alleged incident was reported to the police.

August 17, 2022 — Hearing on Greg’s motion to dismiss “CV 2021–052893 Owens v Gillespie” (Abortion coercion case in Maricopa County) Source

October 12, 2022 — Judge dismisses CV 2021–052893 Owens v Gillespie.

May 9, 2023 — Laura creates an LLC for the purpose of Real Estate and Rental and Leasing. Source

May 20, 2023 — Clayton and Laura Owens meet after Laura reached out for real estate assistance. They have “intimate encounter,” described by Clayton as “only oral sex.” Clayton tells Laura the next day that it was a “mistake.” ( Source)

May 25, 2023 — Clayton asks Laura to leave him alone and tells her he’s considering contacting the police.

June 1, 2023–11 days after their “intimate encounter,” Laura claims she had her first positive pregnancy test. Source Around this time, she told Clayton that she would let him have control of the outcome of the pregnancy if he committed to being in a relationship and loving and caring for her. Source

June 17, 2023 — Laura claims that Clayton “purchased a pregnancy test and asked her to urinate in front of him to confirm the pregnancy.” Source

June 27, 2023 — Laura’s “Iceland story” is published in Chicken Soup for the Soul.

July 2, 2023 — Laura emails Clayton’s parents inviting them to her ultrasound. Source

August 1, 2023 — Laura files in family court against Clayton.

August 3, 2023 — Laura emails Arizona Suicide Prevention Hope Conference to get Clayton removed as a guest speaker.

September 15, 2023 — Arizona Real Estate Department sends Clayton a notice that he violated realtor conduct. This was after Laura filed a complaint against him. (Source: Superior Court of Arizona — Maricopa County proceedings of CV2023–053952)

September 18, 2023 — Laura goes to the Sun and Medium with an anonymous article.

The Sun Article


September 22, 2023 — Laura posts “proof” on Reddit, including links to her public Dropbox with photos of her pregnant belly and texts/emails from Clayton.

September 27, 2023 — Clayton takes his side of paternity test. Laura is photographed competing in an Equestrian jumping competition — allegedly 20 weeks pregnant with twins. No baby bump seen. Source and Photo Gallery

Credit to

October 6, 2023 — DNA test results come back. Clayton announces “little to no fetal DNA” on his Instagram story. Source Laura claims the results were “ongoing” and recorded a call with the lab to support that. Source It is important to note that all of Laura’s DNA tests returned the same result of “little to no fetal DNA.”

According to Clayton, Laura then sends Clayton an ultrasound that he believes was doctored. He also claims she later refused to call the OBGYN’s office to verify the ultrasound’s authenticity during their early resolution conference. Source

Laura files OOP against Clayton.

October 13, 2023 — Dave Neal breaks story that on Oct. 11th, Laura had circulated her alleged sonogram video to the media, which was later proved to be an edited 6 year old sonogram from an unrelated Youtuber. Laura later claims Greg Gillespie hacked into her account and released the fake sonogram. Source

October 19, 2023 — Laura sends Dave Neal a cease and desist letter for his coverage. Source

Oct 26, 2023 — Laura files for a temporary restraining order against YouTuber Dave Neal. It’s denied by the judge on first amendment concerns. Source

Nov 2, 2023 — Clayton wins his injunction against harassment hearing. Laura is seen drinking an energy drink during the hearing. Clayton claims that Laura got him fired from speaking gigs and reported him to the Real Estate commission. Judge sides with Clayton due to the 500+ messages he received from her after he asked her to stop contacting him and blocked her. Source

Nov 3, 2023 — Dave Neal is served lawsuit from Laura for Harassment and Revenge Porn. The photo she cites as RP, is one she herself published in her public Dropbox “evidence” folder. Source

Nov 6, 2023 — Video surfaces of Laura’s alleged baby belly moving wildly during court hearing against Clayton, 27 days after she was photographed without a bump at horse jumping competition. Source

Nov 9, 2023 — Judge throws out Laura’s suit for emotional damage against Greg Gillespie. Source News leaks that Laura Owens is trying to change her name to Emily Wilson.

Nov 10, 2023 — Laura filed a police report on Greg for violating his OOP by allegedly posting her private information to Reddit under various alt accounts. Detectives found no evidence of her claims and closed the police investigation. (#23–20074) Source

Nov 14, 2023 — Laura sends mass email to podcasters threatening to sue them for defamation if they cover the case without platforming her. Source

Nov 15, 2023 — Reality Steve offers Laura a platform to share her story. She does not accept offer. Instead threatens to sue him.

Nov 18, 2023 — Laura pulls out of The Las Vegas National (horse jumping competition) after it leaks on Reddit that she was signed up to compete while allegedly six months pregnant with twins. Source (It has been rumored that she then attempted to compete under an alias — but that rumor has not been corroborated.)

Dec 4, 2023 — Laura and Clayton’s paternity case gets moved to the inactive calendar because of a lack of movement in the case. Source

Dec 5, 2023 — Law Talk with Mike covers the case and offers Laura a platform to prove her pregnancy. She does not accept, instead threatens to sue him. Source

Dec 6, 2023 — Dave Neal breaks story that a third DNA test came back with “little to no fetal DNA.” Source

Dec 6, 2023 — (approximate date) Laura submits criminal complaint against Dave Neal with Los Angeles DA. Source

Dec 7, 2023 — Laura publishes Medium blog post called Unveiling the Unbearable: My Battle Against Cyberbullying and Online Harassment | by Laura Owens Source

Additional sources and coverage links:

All public coverage from Dave Neal’s Youtube can be found here: Playlist

Hearings uploaded to Youtube here: SchnitzelNinja — YouTube

Unsubstantiated theories:

Some think Laura impersonated a journalism student from Howard named Chase Jay Jones to try to get Clayton canceled for dancing to a song with the N-word in it. After this theory was circulated, CJJ’s identity was scrubbed from the internet. His IP address was traced back to the region Laura lives in. Source: All Ears Podcast episode with Dave Neal

Update from Dave Neal on Chase Jay Jones: “Chase Jay Jones 100% joined my Patreon October 19th. I have this proof that they were lurking in there for several weeks. We tried to get their billing info from Patreon, who proved to be UTTERLY USELESS. Even with a court ordered subpoena, they weren’t able to find CJJ in their database. This person has vanished from the world. They either had their data scrubbed, or they’re hiding under a different username. All efforts are being taken to find their identity. More on that later.”

It is Greg and Clayton’s belief she was/is not actually pregnant with either of their twins, despite her claims.

Laura claims Greg hacked into her iMessage in 2021 and sent himself the original faked sonogram image.

Laura claims Greg hacked into her email in 2023 and distributed to the press a fake sonogram video depicting her twins with Clayton Echard.

Clayton is still paying for legal representation; he is actively several thousand dollars in debt over this. If you’d like to donate, you can do so here.
